Still Unsure? Why Go to Therapy?

What to Expect

The idea of going to therapy can be difficult for some to consider. People are often quick to make assumptions about going to therapy.

There is often stigma associated with going, questions as to whether or not we need or can afford to go, leading us to hesitate taking that next step. In truth, everyone stands to benefit from going.

Therapy can work wonders in your life. It can help improve your mood, your overall physical, mental and emotional wellness and give you a new perspective on life.

When you invest in yourself and tend to your self-care; you’re doing the best thing, not only for yourself, but your friends and family as well.

It’s also helpful to know, therapy isn’t always about the “high-stakes” matters. Sometimes we find ourselves feeling stuck or in a funk. Just checking in with a therapist for a few sessions, can allow you to reflect on your needs or life goals and give you some clarity.

Most importantly, therapy is a joint venture and partnership; where my role is to serve you more as a guide and occasional nudger (haha). You are the real expert when it comes to your life.

You also get out of it what you put into it. So, aim to be present, consistent and willing to do the introspective work; and you’ll have my full support and guidance along the way.

What to Expect

When we first meet, time will be spent conducting a brief initial/intake assessment, where we go over what brings you to therapy, what your goals are, and information about your life and background.

This gives me an idea of what type of help you are seeking and whether or not I feel I will be able to help you.

From there, we can discuss interest in future sessions, fees and any other concerns or questions you might have. If after our first meeting, things do not feel right for you, or if I feel I may not have the best skill set to assist you, I will discuss this with you and provide you with a referral. This can and does sometimes happen at any course in time during the therapeutic process.

Ultimately, it’s important that your goals be achieved with the provider that will best help you reach them. Throughout this process, please do not hesitate to bring up any concerns and questions you may have.

Confidentiality | Privacy


Therapy is currently being offered and delivered remotely via Simple Practice, a HIPAA secure electronic platform.

Sessions are entirely confidential - with the exception of mandated reporting with respect to your safety or the safety of others. Please ask me if you have questions about this.

Your privacy is of the utmost importance to me and is key to creating an environment of trust and confidence.

For more information on my privacy practices, please click on the link below.